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This publication, translation and editing before the published operation in Russian. After editing the basic semantic content of the previous operation has not been affected. I ask to forgive for not precise translation.

The detector of signals superlight velocities. Ether.

Part I

Little about the Ether.

 We shall be set to a problem: why the Ether how a certain substance, the material structure which should hold on to postulates of a relativism, is not detected? Probably the Ether upsets these laws? As the material substance the Ether, has not got accustomed in fathoming of structure of space, for some reasons. Principal cause it, the relative static character (feebly mobility), builders of the Ether, and is necessary interaction of these builders with a substance, and among themselves. That entails - not an opportunity of the uniform, rectilinear motion of bodies on inertia. There can be, builders or particles of the Ether, not always interreact with a substance and among themselves (as if transit through) and plus, have velocity exceeding the speed limit light? Further, particles (builders of the Ether) are for brevity offered to be named as - Zero. Where, Zero are constantly on the move, coating major distances without interactions. From here a deduction: the Ether, is more true Zero - are dynamical. Let's assume that the Ether forms a substance and on what she (it) disintegrates? Already for a long time try to connect different not explained appearances with the Ether, such as: a gravitation, electromagnetic fields, etc. The author of the given publication has hypothesis under a title: the Theory of a dynamical ether (TDE) which is laid out in the Internet (in Russian) where the concept of the Dynamical Ether (DE) is briefly stated, built on above circumscribed guesses. Further, briefly main principles of this hypothesis will be enunciated.

Ether in TDE.

 Any activity, event, in a material world, calls perturbation on Ether , upsets balance of the uniform stream Zero a place transiting in a volume where there was an event. The Ether, in such cases, aims to cancel the bias (unbalance), and it happens, if further process flows past uniformly, rectilinearly. But, at fluxion (current) of events with acceleration, the bias (unbalance) will be present. One of developments of such disbalance a gravitation. Also the bias (unbalance) on Ether is a magnetism (electricity). Further, for brevity, under a word "magnetism" views all that is bound (interlinked) with electrical, magnetic fields, i.e. all that has property to be attracted, repelled. The magnetism owing to the symmetric duality (two polarities) indicates that on Ether there are two types of particles which on the energy are equal but, on properties of interactions inverse each other. That has given in definition of properties Zero through their geometrical shape a cylindrical spiral (more precisely, spirals left-hand and right-hand). Magnetism it, one of shapes of a gravitation (the modified gravitation) though, here it is possible to alter, a gravitation one of shapes of the magnetism, both these appearances a corollary of interaction of a substance with the Ether where properties of the Zero prove depending on requirements of flowing past processes.

 For the best perception of DE, present the river, with two colliding streams, equal on velocity, force (which do not influence against each other), and a boat on it (her). Streams, parted into subgroups of streams, with different velocities of subgroups. When, the boat is in a quiescence, in relation to coast, that, both streams primely flow about a boat, from two legs (parties), retaining her (it) on one place. When, the boat goes that, she (it) is picked up by a passing stream of a subgroup at which velocity is equal to velocity of a boat, which (boat), as though attaches to this subgroup. But the most important, that at acceleration of a boat, the colliding stream also does not influence it(her), but only passing. Making up for a stream with the greater velocity, the boat, as though will come across an obstruction of a subgroup consisting of a stream which has overtaken a boat. Why so happens, it is circumscribed in TDE. Though, it is possible to give analogy to a tip of a deflection: the deflection, easily transits through a body on a traffic route of a deflection, but if a deflection to pull out from a body back on a course, that, it will make uneasily, by such principle and the Zero acts. These examples, roughly outline process of interaction of DE with bodies. Drawing of a parallel of an example (with a boat) and with a microcosm, a boat, it is possible to present as - a dipole (when two colliding streams), and as - a monopole (when only a unilateral stream) where, the boat will be boosted. If, a gravitation this corollary of mass which calls the bias (unbalance) in the Ether environmental this mass, that, the magnetism is ability of object to upset balance at the expense of natural properties. And consequently, electromagnetic fields, as well and a gravitation, first of all, this corollary of interaction of a substance with the Ether, instead of the parent (reason) of action of fields on a substance, and already formed bias (unbalance) on Ether, term as fields, a different kind. As all this was already spoken, built on guesses, and the facts are necessary for an explanation of such properties of the Ether, even which would confirm presence of superlight velocity, not at a substance (the substance, and there is restricted a speed of light), and at builders of the Ether the Zero where DE is not considered as a substance.

 The detector.

Running forward, it is necessary to tell, that the device of the detector will show odd, and the specialist, we shall tell the radio engineer, will see, that it is possible to make and all is easier, the matter is that the author, calculates (in cases of good luck), further to use the given detector, as a prototype for experience on superlight communication (connection). That is, the detector, develops as the ready intercoupler, on the basis of properties of DE. For exposition of the detector, before we shall describe a series of key properties of the Zero in TDE:

 1. High concentration (density) of the Zero, per unit volume for space of time. The density of substance at the neutron stars, will give approximate representation about concentration of the Zero on Ether, environmental us. There is a limit of concentration and this limit density of a black hole.

 2. The  Zero are constantly on the move, and their velocities are over the range from speed of light and is higher, but velocity will not be the infinite though velocity of the Zero tends to infinity.

3. At magnification of volume and (or) the space of time, investigated space, the blanket vector (vector sum) of velocities of explored Zero (in the given volume, an interval), will tend to null, but will be never equal to null (though probablly if to sweep all Universe so it and is).

4. A corollary of point 1,2 and 3: through small volume of space, for a short time interval, transit the Zero of all velocity spectrum of these particles. To put it briefly, at any moment, it is possible to find out the Zero, with any velocity, any direction of vector of a motion, in an explored site (segment) of space.

5. The above velocity of the Zero, the more feeblly she (it) interreacts, with colliding objects, and these interactions are very feeble. The peak value of energy of the Zero corresponds (meets) particles a neutrino, the underload value of energy, will not be equal to null though the kinetic energy of a particle of the Zero tends to null.

6. Strongly pronounced interactions of a substance happen to the Zero when, the body (the material object), will overtake the Zero (a requirement usabledly and to two passing Zero).

7. A substance, in DE it, clots (unions) of the Zero, a minimum two Zero, form a particle a photon. Environmental DE retains the union of the Zero in a sheaf, lack (absence) of DE gives in self-decay of a substance on the Zero.

Any activity, process, event, in an initial stage, happens to acceleration. Both the motion of a pendulum, and electromagnetic mode, have an accelerated motion, it is entailed to perturbation of an environmental Ether, and the more with energy of such processes, the it is more than Zero (on a velocity gradient) and more strongly are exposed to, but there will be a limit of energy of processes. The problem of the detector to find out superlight Zero which have interchanged the trajectory, velocity at the expense of perturbations calling event where the detector, should  be propelled with velocity of the close to velocity of rectified Zero. Paradox - to find out superlight velocity, superlight velocity is necessary? But there is an output (exit), from the given discomfiture. Supposedly, methods of the finding quick Zero much, but, after analysis was chose the most optimum variant: build the detector, using electromagnetic fluctuations, as home plate action functioning (working) the detector. At first sight all is prime. The radiant of electromagnetic mode (radio transmitter) undertakes, and a radio receiver try to find out the stream of quick Zero going from a radio transmitter. But, as it was already spoken, the receiver should be propelled with velocity of rectified Zero, or his (its) velocity (at least) should be stacked in a gamut: [(Vzd-c); Vzd]. Clearly that it is impracticable. But, there is an opportunity to organize the second stream of the Zero which will be a radiant of those Zero which will serve as a particle - detectors. And due to the second stream the probability of interactions of the Zero of two streams (passing, first will appear and second), which (interactions) can be found out. The second stream, will originate on the removal picked by us from the first radiant (the carrier of required Zero). On a line of radioes transmitters, near to second to locate the Zero-receiver which will be obliged to find out quick Zero. Also, in this place to establish the usual radio receiver, his (its) problem, to accept usual radio signals from the first transmitter. Then the obtained two signals will be compared on presence of an advanced signal from Zero-receiver. On equal removal from radiants to establish the synchronizer which will be the etalon of global time for system of transmitters and receivers. It is possible the synchronizer and to not erect, it will be just necessary to know, on what frequency will work first and by phase correction to conduct tuning the first transmitter. But for efficiency, it is better to leave the synchronizer to save experiment of superfluous gains and doubts. Also, the second transmitter to supply with the filter which will set an interval of operation of the transmitter, labilizing it(him) when scanning of unknown quantities quick Zero will conduct, that is - to include ahead of time in relation to arrival usual radiowaves. Zero-receiver It will be synchronized with the second transmitter.

The plan 1:


In the device of transmitters there is nothing new. Single that it is necessary to converse, so it is an radiating unit (antenna). To present it (him) as the plate-like condenser. The sizes of plates and distance (range) between them it is selected (is picked up) by practical consideration and calculations. Main that the plane of plates of an emitter, was perpendicular direct with points A-B-C, and this direct intercrossed centre of plates. Zero-receiver, his (its) antenna is more true, is arranged by the same principle as well as at transmitters the condenser. Between points B and C it is possible to consider (count) distance equal to null since the distance between A and B (transmitters) is many times more between the second transmitter and Zero-receiver. Here main not efficiency of emitters as radiants qualitative radiowaves, and as radiants of powerful perturbations on Ether. Transmitters, as well as Zero-receiver, in some cases, it is possible to screen completely as, the Zero have penetrating ability, on the much greater than at a neutrino. And consequently, the screen from a thin foil,  for rectified Zero, will not be an obstruction.

Experiment will remind competitions relay race are sports. When some runners of one command, pass on the baton each other, through particular distances. And before following a runner to receive relay race to not reduce(descend) tempo of running, it(he) will accelerate all over again. The detector, just also should embody the moment of transmission(transfer) of relay race, from the first Zero, following. In our case, quick Zero from point A, transmit the energy to that Zero which have simultaneously passed point B, on the close velocity with first where beforehand their motion has been corrected (disturbing) of the second radiating unit. Necessity for the second transmitter, has arisen because of doubts, an opportunity to catch the receiver a feeble signal quick Zero from A if the receiver will be an insertion gain. But if to build the receiver on the trailer - a heterodyne there is an opportunity that, quick Zero (A) will influence a spark circuit (generator) of a heterodyne (B). That is point B, is - the generator of a heterodyne. Where on a spark circuit (to be exact on the condenser, a point-B) There will be processes of interactions of a stream (A) to the photons formed in this condenser. Following further on course Zero-receiver in point C, it is necessary for reception of a twin wave from two points A and B quick Zero, and probably turned out electromagnetic radiation from such twin stream. Per se, the detector it - a trap for quick Zero.

So, there are two radiants, working in step. They, besides making usual electromagnetic mode, should yield perturbations in Ether which in turn, should or generate new quick Zero, or (and) to organize a directional stream of a wave (ridge) quick Zero, transiting through these radiants of electromagnetic mode. When, the usual electromagnetic wave from point A, goes to point B, quick Zero point B before a usual wave reach. What exactly happens, when one Zero will overtake ahead on its (her) course, it is difficult to tell, but there is a probability that, they will merge in a particle a photon. And odds of such transformations will impinge, at magnification of medial velocity of interreacting (passing) Zero. All hope for a wave, a numerous stream quick Zero, from the first transmitter which though and it is not a lot of, but will act on photons, radiated by the second transmitter. And already further, these photons, will start Zero-receiver then the analysis of the obtained signal will be yielded. Clearly that, the earlier the latency period, the is less than odds of detection of a signal quick Zero. It is possible to modify antennas of transmitters and Zero-receiver, by a principle circumscribed in TDE, in section under a title: the Magnetic Sandwich (in Russian). It will strengthen sensitivity of the detector, but will complicate it (him). Later, the device of such antenna for now we shall consider the diagram of signals will be circumscribed.

The prognosis the diagram 1:

In the diagram, the state of signals in points C , B, time for all points blanket (in a global frame of reference) in relation to the exterior observer is considered. Speed of light  - c , for simplification of calculations it is possible to accept as 300000 km/s. The beginning of an impulse from the first transmitter (point A ) we shall mark out t0, an expected instant of arrival of an electromagnetic wave - t 2, carrier the second transmitter it is silenced on an interval - Δ t p,   equal slowness of an impulse of the first transmitter. On the diagram, a curve of a level of a signal of the econd transmitter (marked out as the shape carrier the second transmitter), coats almost all operation period of the detector with elimination in the interval - Δ tp. Such view guesses that, the second transmitter will yield stationary values oscillations, except for an interval Δ tp, if this curve to clean(remove) that, instead of this curve, a gamut Δ ts it is possible to accept as the fissile phase of operation of the second transmitter and Zero-receiver. Also, the shape of a curve of a signal of the second transmitter, means a gamut of searching as ahead on a slope of the first transmitter where searching quick Zero will conduct, and behind of an impulse where, probably, will be detected threshold Zero - particles with light velocity, also a neutrino. In TDE, the neutrino are considered as - threshold Zero which have at once several spin axes and consequently more actively in interactions. It permissible, in point A to organize a disruption of a current on plates of an emitter - the discharge. From the transmitter there will be wave Zero as those which have not been subject to action of the discharge and those at which the course of their motion has been changed by the discharge. In an advance-guard there will be the most prompt, and will make a stream photons as an electromagnetic wave. In point B to organize a disruption at that time, a code we shall expect stream Zero with required velocity or the second transmitter will constantly work. At scanning, transmitters and receivers it is a lot of versions of duty cycles (modes) and frequencies (methods of radiation), put in a volume, what purposes and problems at the detector. For a clearing of a situation, small deviation (retreating) from a theme, is offered more truly, the look on an invaluable gift for a science reversibles, astrophysicses, such as - pulsars are more exact. Pulsars as if ask, that we have yielded scanning quick Zero released by them.

 Pulsars. The analysis of prospects of detection of superlight velocity.

The information on the device of the Universe, we gain as electromagnetic radiation in a broad band of waves. Only this information, comes to us not with one-stage velocity (the infinite velocity), such velocities in the nature do not exist. To tell the truth, if you God the God that, for you all happening in the Universe will happen so - to ripen behind all and at once. But we not gods, but we would like to feel, even, in a role such Absolute watcher. This lyrical deviations (retreatings) with intention, for application further the term Absolute watcher (AW), yes will be forgiven by followers of a relativism, for such vulgarity, but it is necessary for the best fathoming of ideas enunciated here.

For the beginning we shall consider the plan 2:

Before to prolong, all the same we shall correct concept of the term - Absolute watcher. The matter is that, at velocity of equal perpetuity, the information to AW will simultaneously come as from past so from the present and the future, it, to put it mildly, confuses ideas a little, the mash (a certain collapse of the information) will receive. Let to AW, the information comes from a pulsar and the Earth (also, from a pulsar up to the Earth on AW), say, in one second to avoid precedents of origin of indeterminacy.

Point P, on the plan, primely indicates observations of a trajectory of a pulsar that in the further, to spot his (its) standing in the future.

Point X , means that time (place) when the signal by a pulsar as an electromagnetic wave, obtained by us now has been emitted.

Point Z, standing of a pulsar for AW at that moment, when we (point E), have received a signal from point X, a current standing of a pulsar in space on AW.

 There was point Y, this point can be in any place of a mechanical trajectory of a pulsar on celestial sphere, between points X and Z. Here main, on what velocity the signal comes to us from point Y. To calculate, on the previous motion of a pulsar, on celestial sphere, point Yit is possible, and a problem of the detector to ratify presence of such point on celestial sphere.

As is known, continuances (periods) of impulses, electromagnetic radiation of pulsars, are incremented. If, it will be possible to find out something, that, on this property of pulsars, it will be possible to be convinced that it is a required pulsar. Certainly, beforehand to calculate in what place (in what time), what periodicity of impulses at this pulsar.

Having yielded all precomputations, on the required velocity picked by us quick Zero, there is a business behind the detector, to guide it(him) to the necessary point on celestial sphere.

Further we shall consider, scanning method the detector - quick Zero.

On earlier surveyed plan 1, for the plan 2, there will be a correspondence: point A is required, and in a case with a pulsar in the plan 2 she is marked out as Y, accordingly, points B and C, from the plan 1, will be in point E of the plan 2. Further all we shall view as in the plan 1, and also, the diagram 1, is quite comprehensible to the analysis. In point B, it is possible to organize the electromagnetic impulses similar on impulses of a pulsar, and then, or to analyze (analyse) a leakage of impulses or to accept these impulses the receiver by means of which the analysis of the obtained signal will conduct. Where the wave going from point B to point C, will be exposed to, a wave quick Zero, come from a pulsar. In point B, it is possible to raise an impulse frequency on some orders, in relation to an impulse frequency of a pulsar. That will enable, to organize stable carrier. Thus, it will enable, to observe for carrier by means of the receiver. It is possible, in points C and B to organize simularity of the heterodyne receiver (about it it was already spoken) where, a spark circuit of the generator of the receiver (namely the condenser) will be on one line with points A and B. Length of electromagnetic waves of pulsars on the average 300000 kms., to build emitters with such wave length not really, or it is possible to tell, it is not robust. For us, main to achieve ideally smooth, stable oscillations (if it is possible to tell with a regular shape of a sine curve) on the transmitter and the receiver. And already then, to explore these oscillations, on presence of departure from normal. And in cases of action quick Zero a stream ( A ) on these oscillations to hope for the perturbations called by this action. Completely to iterate (to pattern) radiations of a pulsar there is no necessity. So, it is possible to organize operation of the detector by a principle of a heterodyne. It is possible even to not try to synchronize operation of the detector with impulses of a pulsar if frequency of the receiver to make high, but in a volume a case if action quick Zero will prove on carrier amplitude of the transmitter. It is possible, that signals from a pulsar, will be exhibited and on frequency (to knock down frequency) receiver. But it is necessary to take into account still, that actions quick Zero (on the velocity picked by us) will be short, i.e., not slowness of an impulse of a pulsar, and on much shorter.

For clearness the plan 3:

Any of contortions of a signal, it is possible to accept as for a required signal though it can be - noise, noises. Also what to be convinced, we shall search for those contortions which are iterated with periodicity of impulses of a pulsar, and only when the detector is guided to point A (Y ). On the other hand, operational frequencies of the detector, should not be too high that the system had time to trace contortions. Earlier already it was spoken, that transmitters and Zero-receiver can be screened. In cases with a pulsar, it too is comprehensible. Here it is possible, to establish two receivers, and to arrange them one after another where first it will be bound (interlinked) to the transmitter ( B) by means of a wave guide (both are screened), and already last device of this system, will be isolated from first two, the screen. In result, the system will tricky, but it is that costs!

 As to such examinations in gauges of the Earth as on the plan 1, that, as a whole, operation of the detector will be similar as in cases to a pulsar. Here again, on the one hand, it will be easier, (proximity of points A and B), on the other hand, such proximity will complicate eduction of a required signal. Easier speaking business behind technique. Looking in the future, the base transmitter ( A) is supposed, that, will be a usual radio transmitter (radio station) which signal can be modulated any expedient (peak, a frequency modulation). But the essence at all in a volume, that a speed of transmission will be superlight, and in a volume what to appear an opportunity, to conduct communication (connection) directly between points, despite of a horizon line of the Earth. Easier speaking - through the Earth. When it will be possible to listen, it permissible, FM radio stations of New York, we shall tell - in Moscow, or in any place of the Earth, by means of the detector of signals of superlight velocity, on direct!

The given idea, it is necessary, to substantiate mathematical calculations, it and will be taken the author, after the publication of this paper in the Internet.

Dmitry Poyedinok



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